The YWCA of Palestine Conducts Its NGO CSW65 Parallel Event
The YWCA of Palestine conducted a virtual event in parallel to CSW65 around "Economic Empowerment and Response to COVID19" on Wednesday 17/03/2021, which was attended by around 60 people from different parts of the world. The workshop shed light on our work and the efforts made towards advancing women's rights and enhancing the reality of Palestinian women and young women, especially in light of COVID19, through economic empowerment. We believe that women's economic empowerment is key to achieving gender equality, thus achieving sustainable development. Economically empowered and financially independent women and young women can more effectively contribute to decision-making and building Just Peace in addition to supporting their families and communities, thus creating a better reality. During the event, a number of videos were screened documenting these efforts including the one below.
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