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The YWCA of Palestine Concludes Virtual Sessions around the Role of Youth and Their Issues

The YWCA of Palestine Concludes Virtual Sessions around the Role of Youth and Their Issues

The YWCA of Palestine concluded a series of virtual sessions that shed light on the role of youth and their resilience under COVID19. More than 120 people, mostly youth, participated in the sessions from Palestine and abroad and the panelists were both local and international.

The final session focused on the training manual around UNSCR 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, which aims to engage young people in the implementation of the resolution in Palestine. We produced the manual in line with our international youth conference held in 2018 under the slogan “Youth Participate and Youth Decide: Towards Freedom and Justice”.

The sessions recommended that there was a need to increase the knowledge of the Palestinian people, especially youth, of UNSCR 2250 and to continue to work with young people around the resolution through the implementation of community initiatives. The recommendations also included translating the training manual into English and sharing it with youth, as well as local, regional and international partner organizations and to further develop it so young people can use it through the different virtual platforms of communication. 

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